
ProductsController cannot find the requested view "index".


3669     {
3670         if(($viewFile=$this->getViewFile($view))!==false)
3671         {
3672             $output=$this->renderFile($viewFile,$data,true);
3673             if($processOutput)
3674                 $output=$this->processOutput($output);
3675             if($return)
3676                 return $output;
3677             else
3678                 echo $output;
3679         }
3680         else
3681             throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','{controller} cannot find the requested view "{view}".',
3682                 array('{controller}'=>get_class($this), '{view}'=>$view)));
3683     }
3684     public function renderClip($name,$params=array(),$return=false)
3685     {
3686         $text=isset($this->clips[$name]) ? strtr($this->clips[$name], $params) : '';
3687         if($return)
3688             return $text;
3689         else
3690             echo $text;
3691     }
3692     public function renderDynamic($callback)
3693     {

Stack Trace

 /home/northexpr/public_html/protected/modules/site/controllers/ProductsController.php(57): CController->render("index")
52             "flag" => 1,
54         ));
55         if (!$product->id) {
56             //$this->redirect(Utils::getRootUrl(''));
57             $this->render('index');
58         }
59         $checkProduct = Products::model()->checkProduct($product);
61         Utils::addToPopuplist($product->id);
62         $comments = new ProductComments;
 /home/northexpr/public_html/index.php(37): CApplication->run()
32     $configFile = YII_DEBUG ? 'staging.php' : 'production.php';
33 }*/
35 $configFile = 'affiliate.php';
36 require_once($yii);
37 Yii::createWebApplication($config . $configFile)->run();
38 }
2024-04-18 15:38:17 Apache NetBiz consulting/1.1.13